Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Star Wars Guys...Potty Time...Excellent...

So, Jake had these Star Wars guys he bought back in Green Bay right before Episode I came out. He thought they were going to be so cool one day...mint in the box! Well, 10 years later and after packing them around the country with us in a box, he decided they would be a lot cooler if Nate could enjoy them. The thing is, he has to go potty on the toilet to get them. He gets one guy every time he potties on the toilet. (There are a couple of Spider Man guys thrown in the mix too.) Well, he got two right after we got back, but yesterday he got three guys in one day! Way to go, Nate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has got to be one of the greatest picture collections I have ever seen! How proud he is of his "guys" and the underlying reason why he earned his "guys." I love it Emily....Im so proud of your son!!!