Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Well...I did say hijinks

I guess I got what I asked for. So, this morning I was brushing Joanna's hair, and I notice that a major chunk of hair in front is cut off to the scalp! Then I notice another, longer (shorter?) piece right next to it. I couldn't help it. I started laughing. She started crying. Poor thing. I asked her what she did and she confessed to cutting it I didn't notice it until this morning is a total mystery, but whatever. I have never felt like laughing and cringing at the same time, but that is how I feel every time I look at her cute little head! It's cut TO THE SCALP right at the top of her forehead! That is going to be so funny in a few weeks when it starts to grow out! She'll need to have bangs cut, for sure. She didn't get into any trouble, because...well, I am guilty of giving Margaret a "hair cut" when she was 2 years old. I'll never forget cutting off those big, long, curls of hers. I think every kid at some point does this, but did it have to be right above her forehead TO THE SCALP??? If she really does loose that tooth, her Kindergarten picture should be fab! I kid, I kid. She's beautiful no matter what. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what the heck is hijinks????