So, Christie and I took the boys to get haircuts today. I was really nervous because Nate is notorious for throwing complete conniption fits whenever his hair needs a trim. I'm not kidding, he usually yells at the top of his lungs for all to hear: "NO MOMMY DON'T CUT ME!!! DON'T CUT ME!!" No amount of candy (I threw an entire JAR of candy in front of him last time), songs, or desperate pleas from his mother will calm him down. I'm surprised I haven't had to explain to the police that there is not a murder going down in Apt. A. Just a little boy getting his hair cut. So, I let it grow. And grow. It was really long, but I just couldn't bear the thought of torturing him, myself and my neighborhood by cutting it again. (Scroll down a bit and you'll see the before pictures.) Anyway, Christie mentioned that Graham needed a haircut and that she wondered (she is aware of our struggle) if we took the boys together to a professional, that Nate might go for it. I was totally doubtful, but I thought, what the heck. The worst thing that could happen is we would just have to leave (like 8 months ago when I took him to a salon in Sequim). Well, miracle of all miracles, he watched Graham have his hair cut (which I wish you guys could have seen, it was SO CUTE!) and then HE SAT and let the lady cut his hair!! He wouldn't let her use the clippers, but he did let her use scissors, so she just went with that. He didn't enjoy it, really, but at least he let her cut it without screaming! Here's the final result:
Nate, you did it!!

Clownin' around. (I think Joanna's next up for a trip to the salon.)
I cannot tell you how excited I am about this!! Oh, and to add another twist to my day, I went to leave the house this morning to meet Christie and I COULD NOT find my keys. They were lost. So, luckily Christie hadn't left yet and came to get us. We were standing outside waiting for her, and it was cold. I told Joanna that we could go inside and wait if she was too cold standing outside. She goes (as she takes this deep breath of air) "No. I think I want to stand here and enjoy this blue sky...". It was a really clear, blue day. That just goes to show you how much indoor living we do around here in the winter. Anyway, so we go and Christie bring us home. Jake came home shortly after and said "Look what I found!" and he holds up TWO sets of keys!! He took both sets to work with him! I was so relieved! I thought I had lost my mind earlier! Oh, and we got our new camera in the mail today, too. I am SO going to take a picture of this tree in town by the fish processing plants that sometimes has around 10 eagles sitting in it. So, watch for that fab little ditty soon! :) Okay, I'm off to watch American's Hollywood Week, yo!
What a great day with our kids! Nate looks so darn CUTE!!!!
Emily, thats sooo funny! They are sooooo darling I cant even stand it! I see Hope is weraing her butterfly t-shirt from Auntie...GN!
AND GN to brother!! Im soooo proud of him!!!
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