Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First day of soccer

Recently, the activities notice came out with the announcement for winter children's indoor soccer league tryouts. I mentioned it to Joanna, and she was thrilled! She's never played before, but by golly, she was excited about it! This past Saturday, we went for the "tryouts", which was really just a skills assessment. Everybody gets placed on a team, but they just want to make sure the kids' skills are evenly dispursed amongst the teams. Joanna did awesome! The question is, how will I, who was always the last person to be picked for every and all teams in school, fare as a soccer mom?? I'm more inclined to the musical/artsy stuff. Any athleticism that emerges is definitely all Jake. This should be really fun! Let the games begin! :)My attempt at a soccer hair-do. Isn't this how athletic girls wear their hair? So precious
Going for the goal
Around the cones...

and back again!
Little girl in a big gym.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

LOL! The soccer hair, hahaha! I love it!
How will Emily fare as a soccer mom, you ask? Well, you'll have to start with a soccer sticker on your van.
Joanna is so cute!