Sunday, March 29, 2009

Quilts galore!

So, Faith Olive's quilt is finally finished! It took longer than I thought, but I am so pleased with the way it turned out! I love it. I hope she will too. :) I'm going to mail it out to her next week. With all this volcano spewage though, I hope it will get to her by her month! Hee hee. Check out how it turned out:

So, now that Faith Olive's quilt is done, I decided to move on to my next one. It's got 3 houses and a church and is made entirely from 2 1/2 inch strips cut into different sizes. I guess they call that a "Jelly roll", but I didn't buy the roll that the pattern is supposed to be made with. I didn't like it, so I decided to trail blaze and go off on my own tangent. (What, me make things more difficult and weird??) I picked out my own fabrics and made it completely different. The shapes of the houses are the same, but that's about it. I am so glad I did! It's going to be so cute. This one is for my Mommy. I think it's very her and that she'll love it. :) I'll post again later on down the line as it comes together more. This is just the begining stages.


Busy Minnesota Mama said...

Such a beautiful quilt. Mom is the quilter, well my sisters are too but they didn't add to their families in their forties--I'm busy with preschoolers, at least that's my excuse. Just want to let you know that you've been "surfed" Drop on over to my blog to see what that means. ~verna

Audrey said...

I am loving that church and those houses! Did you ever mail Olive's quilt off? It's kind of hard to shove quilts into a box and give them to a stranger at a counter. I gave the postal worker a good, hard look when I did, like sending a telepathic message of "I'm onto you."
How are you feeling?